Counseling Through Crises: Coping With Being Humans and Helpers Podcast

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast Episode On Spotify

With COVID-19 altering every aspect of our lives in the last few weeks, all of us helping professionals have had to think on our feet and quickly adapt moment to moment, essentially revamping our practices to provide online telehealth sessions only for the foreseeable future.

And amidst that massive shift, we’re still holding space for clients/patients, family, and friends, all while navigating our own emotions and personal struggles through this crisis.

Y’all, it’s a lot! And we don’t have access to face to face social interaction or our other outlets, and that just compounds the stress.

I created a podcast (it’s my first podcast ever!) addressing the unique professional and personal struggles for mental health professionals and other helpers coping with the collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic while attending to their role as right-behind-the-front line workers.

My intention is to speak candidly, humorously, and vulnerably to the demands on all of us helping professionals during this time, as we figure out how to change service delivery, support our clients’ mental health, and address our own mental health needs.

I hope that you enjoy it, and please feel free to share with others who may enjoy as well! 🙏🏼